Sunday, August 25, 2019

Day 30 - In your Face!

River Mile - 590
Today’s Distance - 26 miles
Total Distance - 751.9 miles 

We launched today at 7:45 am, said goodbye to Dad, Bonnie and Leslie. It sure was nice having someone new to talk to for a while. Jon and I know all our stories inside and out!

The weather was 5-10 mph winds from the south (in our faces) and temps in the upper 50’s to lower 60’s. The forecast also called for a 20% chance of showers. Well, over the next 9 hours we had 6 separate 15 minute or more showers. We should have bought lottery tickets, since we beat the odds by a lot. In the end, I think I’ll take this weather over the hot and stale weather we had last week. The hard part was the wind. It keeps increasing in strength all day and we ended up the last 5 miles paddling into 20 mph steady winds with 25 mph gusts. That really takes a lot out of you.

We ended our day at Mud Lake campground. A really nice place, with big sites, running water at each site, showers and a marina bar/restaurant right next door. 

The weather tomorrow looks a lot sketchier than today. Potential for rain and thunderstorms pretty much all day. We are going to paddle to Dubuque, see how the weather is looking and either paddle on or get off the water and get a hotel. I’ve already got a reservation at the marina to store our boats just in case.

Bonus Pics
Paddling Lake Mississippi
The lovely burg of Waupeton, were we had lunch
My Walgreens taco in a can lunch
The car ferry at Cassville

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