Friday, September 26, 2008

Nik Joins the working World

Nik started his first job this week! He has done quite a bit of volunteer work the last couple of years, which has been great in getting him work experience while also giving back to our local community. His new paying gig is at Byerly's a local gourmet grocery. The store he works at in Chanhassen has a resturant called the Minnesota Grill where Nik is a dish washer. It's hard work and he comes home tired, but it's a great opportunity to develope is work ethic and he loves getting paid for is effort. Nik, we are very proud of you! Keep up the great work.

Nik in his Byerly's Uniform

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Election Issues

Many Americans are looking to take part in the presidential election this November. In spite of the polarizing issues that have divided our nation there are many people who want to make an informed decision. It's hard when you don't always get deep background from the media. I ran across a web site called GlassBooth that offers a simple way to get a read on which candidate lines up more with your personal beliefs. It's not a silver bullet, but it is a way to see how the candidates stack up.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New School Year

Catie started her new school year today. She is beginning 8th grade at Minnetonka Middle School West, or as the locals call it MMW. She is excited to see all her friends again. I can't believe summer break is over for the kids. It seems like just the other day Catie was cleaning out her locker. It was a great summer, but she is now ready for fall and the change of seasons.