Monday, December 05, 2005

45, That's not Old!

I celebrated my 45th birthday yesterday. I received several wonderful gifts from my loving family, including Disk Golf Disks, a Disk golf bag and A NEW GPS! I am soo spoiled I can't stand it. Chris and the kids made me a yummy breakfast of French toast (or as Dubya would call it...Freedom Toast) and sausage, a cheese cake birthday cake, orange juice and coffee. Delicious! I followed breakfast by watching the amazing Packers pull defeat from the jaws of victory. What a shame that Brett is going to end his amazing career on such a low note. I still think he should continue to start. No way Aaron Rogers does any better with the current level of talent. After the game we all went out and did some Geocaching. We went 4 of 4, in including finding Mr Ski's Chi Chi cache, one that I had DNF'd on three other attempts. Thanks to Nik for his eagle eye on finding this one! It was a nice sunny day with crystal blue sky. It was however extremely windy which made the 62 degree high seem much colder. We had a great time, being together. I think Chris even had fun. Could it be I'm converting her after all these years? Finally, we ended the day with dinner at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, El Presidente. I was a wonderful day, Thank you to my lovely bride and children for making it special.

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