Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Back to the Future Part II

"Although surgery is a scary step... the agonizing pain, that comes and goes, has clouded out those fears....... I have surgery, tentatively scheduled.........The procedure they will perform is major, and will leave me facing a long road of recovery.... "

Can you believe I shared those words one year ago this week!?! Hello from the anniversary week of my back surgery. I am thrilled to drop you a note and let you know that it feels great to be on the receiving end of a successful surgery! I thank the Lord for the blessing of a full recovery!

I met yesterday with my surgeon, Dr. Holte, and happily shared with him how wonderful I have been feeling these days. I have felt like my old self, since mid November. Although I still have limitations, I can honestly say that it feels great to get around pain free! Dr. Holte gave me the thumbs up to being an exercise routine. I will begin slowly and listen to how my body reacts to activity.

My recovery has been long and I have been surprised at how many months it took me to get around easily but thankfully the worst is in the passed. The doctor looked at my recent x-rays and liked how well the fusion has taken. The fusion is close to being 100% healed. Did I mention that I can bend over and pick things up again!?!

I hope things are great in your corner of the world.

Sending hugs from across the miles!


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