Got a bit of a late start this morning, the kids were pretty tired so I let them sleep in until 8:30. Unfortunatly this ment we didn't have enough time to stop and visit the water fall that Great Falls is named after. This is a spot that gave Lewis and Clark a pretty hard time during there exploration of the Lousianna purchase. Combining this late start with the 450 of road we had ahead of us we didn't have much time to stop along the way.
The first 150 miles was on state and local highways leading from through the rolling wheat covered hills between Great Falls to Lewiston. After a brief stop for lunch at the Buffalo Trader Cafe. Next we passed through Billings which is up on a high bluff overlooking the Missouri river. Finally we ended our drive winding our way along the Yellowstone river on our way to Glendive Montana. I was stuck today by the diversity of the scenery we where blessed with seeing today.
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