Monday, June 24, 2013

Do What you love

 The old saying goes, do what you love and you will never work a day in your life. I would have to say, even though I do have tough days now and then where I'm definitely WORKING, for the most part this saying is true for me. I'm blessed to work in a field that is constantly evolving with technological change. I love technology and the challenge of finding ways to develop it for my company as well as working collaboratively with my clients to find ways to leverage it in our relationship to our mutual advantage.

Today I came to an interesting realization. The same aspects of my job that keep it interesting and challenging can also make my work life frustrating at times. What must it have been like for my Grandpa Earnie, a tool and die maker by trade? He used the same tools and methods on his last day of work at age 65 as he did as a young apprentice. There is something comforting in the idea that change was something he did with his underwear and socks!

Having said all that, I know that the sameness my Grandpa had would ultimately leave me bored. I like the idea that each day of the week will hold new challenges and new opportunities. I need to hold on to and embrace the change that is happening all around me. As my Mentor and Role model Harry Quadracci always taught me, the only constant is change.  It is how we adjust to and adapt to change that can either give us a competitive advantage or make us irrelevant. I for one have no intention of being irrelevent!

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